Just checking in. We've had a humdinger of a last few days, Mav is teething really bad & also going through a growth spurt so lots of fun screaming & crying! He has recently started his journey in the wonderful world of FRUIT! He had apples for the first time on Sunday night, & liked them pretty well I might add! He gets bananas tomorrow, a child's all time favorite! Other than that not too much, really. He wants to roll over, crawl & sit up but he just doesn't have a lot of drive to pursue in yet I guess. He gets too frustrated. I feel like hes doing fine though so whenever hes ready to do it, we're ready! I am enjoying it though, I think too many parents want their children to do stuff early on because it makes them seem like they are generally ahead of the curve but I think most children are on the same track, some just faster than others & at different times. Mav took off out of the gate like a flash, eating 5 oz at 2 weeks old, lifting his head early so the doctor put him on a pretty advanced curve, I think it was a premature setting because all the other kids his age have since caught up & even surpassed him in certain skills but the way I look at it is when he starts crawling, hes going to start walking & when he starts walking hes gonna walk right out that door & hes going to be an adult. So tonight I am gonna thank my lucky stars that my baby is just a baby & that I get to hold him tight for another day.